On the 17th of May 1996 Vallejo rapper Lathan Williams (B.K.A. Young Lay) who had recently recovered from a bullet to his head, had his life turned upside down, his girlfriend Daphne Boyden was found murdered in her grandma's house where she was living and also had the house burnt down with Young Lays new born son Le-Zhan De-Mariae Williams missing.

Young Lay appeared on the Maury Povich show and on Unsolved Mysteries trying to find some clues with no luck, Le-Zahan's grandmother Jessica Knox even made greeting cards with pictures and info on the back to raise awareness of the case. The only information the police had was that two young girls were seen leaving the house shortly before the fire started holding something in their arms that could have been a new born. Young Lay released his second album (his first since this incident) in 1998 called "Unsolved Mysteries" and had samples from his segment from Unsolved Mysteries in the intro and in the title track. The murder and kidnapping hurt Williams, said his uncle Eric "E.B." Bolen, whose 2nd Life Entertainment record company released Unsolved Mysteries. The album was not only a dedication to the rapper's dead girlfriend and missing child, but an effort to find out what happened. "We were trying to build up hype so the word could get out," E.B. said.

Since then Lay has been arrested, charged, locked up and released numerous times for things ranging from possesion of cocaine, possesion of a gun, parol violation and in June 1999 he was arrested and sentenced to 12 years prison in Susanville for armed robbery.
On the 7th of December 2002 (six years after the abduction), the Vallejo police department received an anonymous tip off which led to them checking medical records of a six year old boy suspected of being Le-Zhan and after finding out that the susposed mother Latasha Brown, 22 was not pregnant one month before he was born according to the fake birth certificate she had. Latasha Brown who was 16 years old at the time was arrested for the murder of Daphne Boyden. She was arrested in Suisun City as she was stepping off a Greyhound Bus returning from Sacramento , she was arrested for arson and the kidnapping of Le-Zhan De-Mariae Williams who she was bringing up only two miles away from where he was taken. Latasha Brown's mother Delores Ann Brown, 44 was also arrested for suspicion of child concealment. Ocianetta Banika Williams, 23, (no relation to Lathan Williams) was also arrested for her part of helping Latasha Brown. Both girls previously had relationships with Lay.

Vallejo Police Captain JoAnn West said "We're not prepared to definitely say what the motive was, but we know that (Latasha Brown and Lathan Williams) had some kind of relationship, that she was jealous of their (Boyden and Williams') relationship,"
The last I heard is that Lay is still locked up and Le-Zhan was in the custody of the Solano County Child Protective Services, hopefully by now he is back with members of his real family and touch wood Lay gets out soon and stays out of trouble and releases another album.

Young Lay - Intro
Young Lay - Unsolved Mysteries

Young Lay appeared on the Maury Povich show and on Unsolved Mysteries trying to find some clues with no luck, Le-Zahan's grandmother Jessica Knox even made greeting cards with pictures and info on the back to raise awareness of the case. The only information the police had was that two young girls were seen leaving the house shortly before the fire started holding something in their arms that could have been a new born. Young Lay released his second album (his first since this incident) in 1998 called "Unsolved Mysteries" and had samples from his segment from Unsolved Mysteries in the intro and in the title track. The murder and kidnapping hurt Williams, said his uncle Eric "E.B." Bolen, whose 2nd Life Entertainment record company released Unsolved Mysteries. The album was not only a dedication to the rapper's dead girlfriend and missing child, but an effort to find out what happened. "We were trying to build up hype so the word could get out," E.B. said.

Since then Lay has been arrested, charged, locked up and released numerous times for things ranging from possesion of cocaine, possesion of a gun, parol violation and in June 1999 he was arrested and sentenced to 12 years prison in Susanville for armed robbery.
On the 7th of December 2002 (six years after the abduction), the Vallejo police department received an anonymous tip off which led to them checking medical records of a six year old boy suspected of being Le-Zhan and after finding out that the susposed mother Latasha Brown, 22 was not pregnant one month before he was born according to the fake birth certificate she had. Latasha Brown who was 16 years old at the time was arrested for the murder of Daphne Boyden. She was arrested in Suisun City as she was stepping off a Greyhound Bus returning from Sacramento , she was arrested for arson and the kidnapping of Le-Zhan De-Mariae Williams who she was bringing up only two miles away from where he was taken. Latasha Brown's mother Delores Ann Brown, 44 was also arrested for suspicion of child concealment. Ocianetta Banika Williams, 23, (no relation to Lathan Williams) was also arrested for her part of helping Latasha Brown. Both girls previously had relationships with Lay.

Vallejo Police Captain JoAnn West said "We're not prepared to definitely say what the motive was, but we know that (Latasha Brown and Lathan Williams) had some kind of relationship, that she was jealous of their (Boyden and Williams') relationship,"
The last I heard is that Lay is still locked up and Le-Zhan was in the custody of the Solano County Child Protective Services, hopefully by now he is back with members of his real family and touch wood Lay gets out soon and stays out of trouble and releases another album.

Young Lay - Intro
Young Lay - Unsolved Mysteries
His album " Black n Dangerous" is what he is to his poor kid. I hope he never gets out of jail---someone shot him---and as soon as he recovers, he goes out to shoot someone else in an armed robbery. Piece of sh!T
This was and is a childhood friend of mine people make mistakes the effects of losin someone close and a child as well is more than many of us know about ....
My hopes are that he is released and given a chanc e to b a father finally .....love u dearly FRIEND LOUISANA ST ......
Prayers going out to all parties involved, especially the baby who lost two mothers and a father. Dear God, help us all.
young lay that nigga get workin on some shit that on that black n dangerous level my dude, you still got it. recreate the feelin before the pen time my nigga! BEFORE THE PEN
Fo shiz Young Lay, need 2 get back in the game. Get E-Bay and Mac Mall together for some joint shit, hit the bay with that Fetti talk homie. And get yo shit up on Spotify nigga! I can't agree wit nigga above, you did hard time bruh, rep that shit 2. 2 many studio gangsta runnin at the mouth in the hip hop scene (fake as Rick Ross). People want to hear real shit from real niggas, and this is coming from a lil half Mexican half Korean nigga from East Side San Jo. Much love to you Valley-Jo boyz for puttin us on the map!
You all sound like stupid niggers and that nigger is where he belongs if he's in prison, you can take a Nigger out of the hood and give him as much money as you want, but you can't take the hood out of the nigga.
Still has a lot of talent...
You're a very hatful individual and you need to pray and ask the Most High to deliver from your Hate.
San Jose here. South Bay. Young lay was badass! Probably one of the sickest rappers ever heard. Ten times better than s*** that's outnow!! & Thats (realer than real)!(4tay��)
bay❤️ absolutely if he reads this get back in the studio!! Putout some new shit that could change the game.hip-hop is dying unfortunately, changing into something that's only going to get laughed at later....only an artist like young lay,e40,dredog,mac dre��2pac��,biggie��,Zion I, grouch, Bone thugs, brotha Lynch, Wu-Tang, Coolio, fugees,del, Lifesavas, The Roots, people under the stairs, handsome Boy modeling School, and a lot more cool ass hip Hop can bring back the real hip hop. Otherwise it's gone forever. Figure it out!!! No one likes most of the new shitt really... Everyone just pretends to... Hella sad
Through the years I've been randomly checking to see if this dude has dropped new music. His flow is one of my favorite.
I like young lay's style and I believe that you don't have to be in the mix to make good music. Young lay by now knows the time and I hope he can come through and through and pump out some good albums as long as he's alive I look forward to good music by young lay so yeah, you don't I believe have to be in the mix to make good songs like "2nd life, lies, cold city dreams" which'll still be tight no matter when he busts them out. One love to young lay and his, California love!!!!!!! PEACE!!!!!!!!!
Did daphne suck a dick good
I got a big dick
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