Myself and Bullant are massive SPM fans (hence his name being mentioned in various posts over time). This video surfaced online the other day of Carlos Coy talking for a couple minutes. It's only short, but a pretty moving/insightful video on his current circumstances. His new album 'The Last Chair Violinist' drops in a couple of weeks....
you guys should not be promoting this child molester. period, and u kno that
I think you need to do some research on the case.. Los is in on some bullshit charges - I couldn't be bothered educating you myself but there's plenty of info online and elsewhere that speak for themselves.
Listen to 'When Devils Strike' off of his album of the same name for starters.
The fact that his whole old Dope House family, including Baby Bash, still has his back says something about his possible innocense.
fucking child molestor and im even from houston and i say that. do research you say? bitch please.. ive done enough research. thats not the first time he was ever charged for something. check his record.
"I'm even from Houston" wow..... Fuck off with all your "Bitch Please" shit, You know what you know, and we know what we know. The sun's hot, water's wet and so on and so forth......
he doin his time wat more does anyone want, skan
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