This post is just sort of slapped together because we haven't put anything up for over a week now. Emvee's back at uni and has almost no time to write shit on here and I have been way to busy to find time to get on here myself. Anyway, If you are into Mix-A-Lot (and I know alotta people diss because the 'Baby Got Back' thing that blew up, which wasn't a sellout track just a track that went big) you might want to check out an old post that still has tracks to download of
Mix-A-Lot B'sides.

As for this post, I have put up 'Lets G', 'Mix-A-Lots Theme' and 'I Just Love My Beat' they're from the first thing Nastymix (Nasty Nes and Sir Mix-A-Lot) ever dropped, their logo was a symbol of Nasty Nes' face (yes, NES... not Nas who bit the old school Seattle pioneers name with the 'Nasty' added to it) from 1985. I also ripped 'I'm A Trip (Total Trip Mix', 'Square Dance Rap (Power Mix)', 'Iwant A Freak' and 'My Studio' all from Mix-A-Lot's second release, the 1986 E.P. titled 'Im A Trip', I didnt rip the radio version of the title track and the 'Trippin In The Studio' skit, but all the propper tracks from it are up. I Also added an old as fuck Sir Mix track called 'Electro Scratch' that was found on my old computer, don't know where it's from?
Sir Mix-A-Lot Old School Rips:
Lets G (Watch Out)
Mix-A-Lots Theme
I Just Love My Beat
I'm A Trip (Total Trip Mix)
Square Dance Rap (Power Mix)
I Want A Freak
My Studio
Electro Scratch
NIIIIIIIIIIIIICE! Awesome, thanks guys.
Nice work guys.
Ain't it funny and fucked how a song like "Baby Got Back" can becaome a huge hit yet other times people say it is disrespectful to women.
The thing about 'Baby got Back' is it's not really different to any of his other tracks he did at the time. Mix has always done topic tracks, almost every track he's done has a theme to it like My Hooptie, Im Your New God, Put Em On The Glass.... almost every track. Somehow this track blew up and everyone says he sold out.
Definately not his best track but I still like it.
Please readd these rips. I need them.
some links are dead : sir mix a lot - my studio
I have been looking for "I just love my beat" forever. Can you please repost? that would be awesome.
I would really love these vinyl rips as well. I really like your site. If you could send me these, I would really appreciate it. jaysonnenburg@yahoo.com
Could you send me this rip since the link is dead. maybe we could trade. darkkentrules@hotmail.com
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