..::PAGEN ELYPSIS - 2010 ::..

Pagen Elypsis 2010 Mixtape featuring 100% original production by Strange Notes, Purpose & Answer and mixed by the almighty Battlehoggs crew! Cuts by DJ Kansel + DJ Snair. This is an OFFICIAL Battlehoggs release.
1. Battlehoggs Intro
2. The Warm up - PE
3. Fatal Attraction - PE
4. Breathe In - PE
5. One Hit Away - PE
6. M-Side - Motive
7. That's The Business - PE
8. Kill You All - Prime
9. Stand Clear - PE
10. P-Side - Purpose
11. Alchemy - PE Ft. Headlock of After Hours
http://www.55productionz.com/forum/index.php?referrerid=491 ...join the best spot in net.
Err does this blog still run? Not one of the links for any of the mixes works, wouldn't mind listening to them?
It barely runs, I just upload full albums/mixtapes for people as they want to spread the word... still do a post every now and then but not enough to make it worth checking very often (if ever)
I've updated the link for this mixtape though so you can dl it.
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