For some reason Quik didn't mention Eiht on his 1991 Profile release, 'Quik Is The Name' but came through on his '92, 'Way 2 Fonky' album. He dissed him on the title track before moving on to Tim Dog at the end of the track. Quik also disses Eiht again on the outro track 'Tha Last Word'. Not surprisingly Eiht came back on his next album, 'Music To Drive By' in '92. He dissed Quik on 'Duck Sick II', 'Dead Men Tell No Lies' and 'Def Wish II'. He probably gave Quik too much credit with 3 tracks and would have been better off keeping to one?

As Quik was busy with production with his crew and with Suge Knight's 'Death Row', he didn't didn't bring out an album for three years. In this time MC Eiht released 'We Come Strapped' in 1994 on 'Epic Street'. He didn't dissapoint with yet another Quik diss with the 'Def Wish III Intro' folowed by 'Def Wish III'. I'm a fan of both Quik and Eiht, but when Quik dropped his reply on the 'Murder Was The Case' soundtrack and 'Safe & Sound' in '95 it was all over, 'Dollars & Sense' was by far the dopest track out of all their diss tracks to each other. No doubt there will be die hard Eiht fans who'll diss me now but when I got this album in '95 that track was on repeat for weeks. With lines like "E-I-H-T, now should I continue? Yeah, you left out the G coz the G aint in you" that was it in my opinion. Quik also dissed Eiht on the very next track, 'Let You Havit'.

Here's a part of an interview Eiht did for Murder Dog Magazine.....
Will you and DJ Quik ever make any songs together?
I have been in the studio with Quik. We did a song about two years ago. Quik was working on a sound track for this independent movie called"100 Kilos". It was the Freeway Rick story. We did a song together for that. He did the production and I was on the song rapping. Mausberg was on the song too, so was I think Hi-C. Deals were still going on. They probably fucked Quik over and didn’t pay him his money, so he kept all the tracks.
So the beef is over with you and Quik?
Yeah, we cool. I seen Quik and we have shook hands. We have done interviews together and everything. It hasn’t got to the place to where the consumers or the fans would like to see it as far as us making a record or being on tour together. We handled the beef how it is done on the streets. It’s not on records or none of that shit anymore. It’s cool now.
I remember when you two were beefing, how did it all start?
We used to go at it back then. I don’t know how it started for him but on my end it started when I had my second album out. I had a song called "Def Wish". On the song I had the phrase that say "Biting me quick, will only mean you get my dick sucked quick". I never knew nothing about no DJ Quik, but there was an actual DJ Quik. He was a Blood affiliate and I was a Crip affiliate and we were both from Compton. People hyped it to say that he was dissing you. Quik had already been dissing me. I was already an established artist. I had two albums and videos. I considered myself in the game. He was trying to get in the game. He had been putting out underground tapes. Since his Blood affiliation it was natural to go after the Crip niggaz. He made a street tape dissing Eazy because Eazy was affiliated with the Crips. He also made songs dissing Compton’s Most Wanted. That was a way for him to symbolize with his Blood homies. It was a way for him to say fuck them Crip niggaz. That’s how the beef started on his end.
If you hadn’t heard of Quik, how did you know about the underground diss records?
I have never heard of this. My DJ Mike-T who was a Blood got a copy of the tape. He played it for me. This was after the Def Wish song was already out. Naturally people were going to take that tape and my song and combine the two. People were like" Oh he dissed you on a street tape and you turned around and dissed him on the record". It all got blown way out. Then he made a comment on his next record and I made a comment on my next record. It went crazy for awhile. I did a video about him.
How did you come up with the idea for the card board cut out of Quik in your video?
Profile was marketing his next album "Way 2 Fonky" and they had those posters out. They had the card board cut outs. I got ready to do the Def Wish 2 video and I said" we got to get one of those". We had Sony order one. My love for gangsta rap was just in me. You got to have a passion. If have to realize that you might not get paid for some of this shit. You got to have love for it. Sometimes this shit might be charity. Sometimes I might have to give this shit away. I might not make a dollar off of it. Now everybody that touches it is going to make money off of it. I have never heard a record company say that they have not made a profit off of me.

And a part of a Quik interview from Worldwide West Side Magazine....
You’ve been beefing with MC Eiht from 1991-1997. How did the tension start and is the beef squashed yet?
Yeah, that’s over, that’s really actually old, as a matter of fact, I just saw MC Eiht with a new record on the charts and I’ve been looking for it and I’m like “he put out another record” so I’m out looking for it and evidently it’s either hard to find or selling somewhere else because I tried to buy it to support him. That’s how I feel about it. We had our beef but technically we’re still brothers from Compton. We walked the same turf.
Would you ever work with DJ Slip from Comptons Most Wanted even though you had problems in the past with MC Eiht who was also a member of the group?
I don’t know, because I don’t know how Slip feels about me. I don’t want to force anything. I can easily slip and say yeah sure I’d work with him, but what if he (DJ Slip) put out a interview and said man fuck DJ Quik, we ain’t never fucking with him. Then I would look stupid, so, I’m willing to work with anybody who shares the common goal of making a hit record that inspires people, that keeps Hip-Hop fresh, not just to put out a record because it’s trendy. I’m not trying to go to Lil Jon, please give me a hit so I can sell some records and so I can pop my collar and drink Champaign and you know wear some platinum. I’m not trying to do that.

Comptons Most Wanted - Duck Sick
Comptons Most Wanted - Def Wish
DJ Quik - Way 2 Fonky
Comptons Most Wanted - Duck Sick II
Comptons Most Wanted - Dead Men Tell No Lies
Comptons Most Wanted - Def Wish II
MC Eiht - Def Wish III Intro
MC Eiht - Def Wish III
DJ Quik - Dollars & Sense
DJ Quik - Let U Havit
MC Eiht - Def Wish IV (Tap That Azz)
DJ Quik - You'z A Ganxta
*I had to put these in 2 seperate files because Zshare kept fuckin' up when I tried it as 1 file. I have numbered every track in occurence of the track.
Awesome write up man. It shed a little more light on things. I always thought the "Def Wishes" were pretty tight, but you are right, Quik killed it on "Dollar & Sense".
I think it's probably lucky that only one person lost their life in that beef, that could have been pretty ugly.
Eiht & CMW also dissed Quik on the "Killin Nigguz" track from the Death Threatz album in 96.
I didn't even think of that track Alex, not really a full diss track but one of the verses by N.O.T.R. was pretty hard.
Cheers mane I fucked up
Yeah man, DJ Quik blew MC Eiht away on "Dollar & Sense".
Nice work guys.
I have to agree, that line on "Dollars N Sense" killed any sort of response that Eiht could ever hope to come up with. Glad the beef's over, though, since Travis is right; that could have gotten ugly.
Great post, and great site, too.
i have the mixtape ripped to mp3 where the dis went down. let em know if you want it.
The Crips n Bloods scene is world wide problem as you's know...these days ya got cunts who slap on a blue or red T-shirt and think they're bangin...not really knowin how deep it goes- (tattoo's/rags/finger sets/wall bangin/gang rapes ect ect)
I wont say which gang I represented back in early 90's...coz I'm not about that shit no more...but i will say that shit leads to nothin but a quick death....for me, gettin into my late 20's....bashin cunts over a color jus doesn't make sense...if anybody does choose to join a set....remember this...
there's plenty of ways to get killed...don't make shit any harder than life already is
@Straight Checkin Em, I just seen this comment. If your still keen for the rip, I'm keen as. I've been after this for years.
After reading this I had to listen to a few of the diss tracks again... AND WITHOUT A DOUBT MC Eiht Won the OverAll Rap Battle On Wax!!!!
...Dollaz & Sense was cool but Def Wish 3 & 4 Killed That Shit...
....Dont FuCk with Eiht...Bitches Sing....
fuck dj quik C's up slobz down
Don't sleep on Eihts most vicious disses, most notably "One less Ni**a & "Nuthin but Killin'.
Only internet thugz like you bang on blog sites go get a secretary desk job wit all that high-tech set-trippin you doin eat a dik you prolly a undercover male nurse bring tha beef back 2 thA S-T-R-E-E-T-Z. P.S. anonymous 1 youz a HOMO-THUG
I grew up listenin 2 both but had mo luv 4 quik based on the fact im a DAMU like him he paved the way 4 all Y.G'z even sum O.Y.G'z plus back when he came out only rips was gettin luv in musik hate it or luv my dog is a genius.
My nigga eiht killed quicc on dem def wishes plus all eiht shit iz better cuz real rap........n tha k goes buc buc geah
Fuck ya niggaz from Cpt..yeah fuck Compton,fuck dj Quick,fuck Mc eith,fuck Bloods & Crips niggaz..fuck L.A.jajajajajajaaaaa...NY in the House My Latin Kings..yeah M13 we are the shit.
All ya monkys needed a banana...fucking nigger...spanish in the Game yeah Mexican Mafia..
Must say, I have been listening to Quik for years. When I was getting into Hip-Hop I never really realised he was dissing a cat called Eiht.
Once I started properly listening I thought'd check this Eiht out.
Both artists are pioneers, compton vets.
Agree about Dollaz & Sense thoug... Totally finished it!
"Left out the G coz the G ain't in ya!" - incredable talent!
This is dope fam, you're missing some stuff doe. I think Get At Me was aimed at MC Eiht too, and Quik also got at him on the track "Boom", from his The Death Row Sessions EP with random old material.
I see SOME WANNA BE slang a reply on here but it's all Anonymous if ya'll the shit why hide????? M13? ?? Mexican Bean eaters Mafia??? Why no return address HOMIE
Sikkkk fckn interview!!these guys are all legends...i wanna see the 304 posse get back with 2014 record..we grew up blastng these gyys...we didnt gang bang an it wasnt our lifestyle but we were all young,crazy,reckless,and wild..so ths music is part of my history..the freedom of words the party the pussy the fueds it was a fun time..BRNG THAT SHIT BACK!!!!hhahaha
Wdsta1 S.P.H.A.
Man fuck you I grew up lisitening to DJ Quik, MC Eiht was Okay. But Quik's Single "Dollaz ± Sense" ripped when he said "Now I aint ever had my Dick sucked by a man before but you'll be the first you little trick ass hoe and you can tell me just how it tastes but before I do I'll squirt some piss in your face you fuckin coward". He made MC Eiht look like a bitch. But then MC Eiht put a diss out towards DJ Quik. Thank you, yours truely COMPTON, CALIFORNIA
you forgot about "deep' from quik is the name and "boom"
quik won this wax battle with mc eiht.in his song called "boom", Quik goes more personal than he ever did with Dollaz + Sense. def wishes and duck sick series were aight but it was no where near quiks diss tracks, dollaz + sense had the same affect of no vaseline for mc eiht. oh yuh dont forget when quik peformed dollaz + sense at the 95 source awards showing off his red flag
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