Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays

This time of the year it's hard to find the time doing shit on here, especially after the hectic couple of months I've just had. I'm sure that alot less people check out the net around the holiday time due to either being busy doing the Christmas thing or just not being at work therefore unable to gank quality internet time on the bosses expense. For those of you that do have internet access during the holidays and have some spare time to check us out, I've put up 5 dope tracks that I've had in my stereo lately, I think I've put a couple of them on here a year ago or so but they're all pretty crazy. Thanks for hitting our shit and have a happy and safe Christmas. PEACE.

Watts Gangstas - Watts Riders
Untold Chapters - The Book Of Sin
LOWC - Layin In Tha Cut
Jake The Flake - F.A.N.G.
Grimm, Ricsta,SPM, Lucky Luciano - Game Untold 2 (Walk On Toes)


  1. Merry Christmas gentlemen! Hope you all had a good one!

    If that offer still stands, I'll get you a list in the next week or so. My computer crashed at home so I've been assed out for internet and a computer at home for over a month.

    Apperciate everything you guys have had to offer the past year, and here's to a hopefully better year in 07!

  2. The offer's still there, I actually thought you forgot. Anyway, Thanks heaps for all your help. Keep in touch.

    All the best for 0'SEV.

  3. That LOWC song is dope! I have got to find that shit.
