Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Review: Lowc - Big Ballin'

Artist: Lowc
Album: Big Ballin'
Year: 1995
Label: NVM Records

This Nashville,TN trio consists of Blak, HoMack and producer Dayz. This album would have to go down as the most under rated album I know (even more than SPC albums).

It starts off with "Transaction" as the intro and then goes into "Comin' Up Quick" which is a story of comin' up quick in the dope game... both the beat and the lyrics are flawless.The next two tracks are "Back 2 The Lab" and "When The Shit Blows Over" both these tracks are rapped in a present tense of it's happening then and there and making the listener picture exactly whats going on with detail.

The next tracks are all crazy as fuck especially "Layin' In Tha Cut" but I could name pretty much any one of 'em like "Big Ballin'" and "Livin' Like An Animal" the main thing you notice when you listen to this is the ultimate ease that Blak and HoMack flow like, and there voices complement each others to the fullest. If you think Master P is the don of slangin' out of the ice cream van on wax then you obviously haven't heard this shit. You can also tell that they speak from experience by what they say. The album ends with "Fresh Out" the story of Blak being released from rehab and "Blak & The HoMack"

Pretty much this is one of, if not the best album I have ever heard. The beats are all def and original, the lyrics are flawless from start to finish, every single hook fits the track to the tee with fuck all of those sing songy hooks that have fucked up countless albums. I'd love to give this one 10 out of 5 Daytons but I'll have to settle for a measly 5.

Lowc - When The Shit Blows Over
Lowc - Livin' Like An Animal

Rating: 5 Dayton's out of 5


  1. Finally the LOWC website is available to buy the classic album. Visit http://lowcbigballin.com to get the down south classic.

  2. Finally the LOWC website is available to buy the classic album. Visit http://lowcbigballin.com to get the down south classic.
